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Dr Luciano Dalla-Pozza is the Director of the Cancer Centre for Children and a Senior Staff Specialist at The Children's Hospital at Westmead. He is a member of key medical subspecialty societies whose mission is focused on the research and care of children and adolescents with cancer including the Australian and New Zealand Children's Cancer Study Group (ANZCHOG), the Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Group, the Children's Oncology Group (USA), and the International BFM Leukaemia Group (Europe).

His interest and recent work have centred on the management of acute leukaemia particularly the application of new immunotherapies, genetic predisposition to cancer in children, the development of clinical trials, and basic research opportunities in paediatric oncology.

He is a member of the NSW Child Death Review Team (NSW Ombudsman's Office), the Australasian Children's Clinical Trial group of ANZCHOG and the Executive of the Kids Cancer Alliance (NSW Cancer Institute). He is a member of Sydney Cancer Partners Clinical Advisory Group. He is the Children’s Hospital at Westmead institutional lead for the Therapeutic Advances in Childhood Leukaemia (TACL) Consortium and Principal Investigator at The Children’s Hospital of the AEIOP-BFM 2017 Trial for Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.

He was the Medical Lead, Planning and Development Committee for the Children’s Hospital (CHW) Stage 2 redevelopment. He was the Clinical Lead for the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network for the Oncology Informations Systems Strategy (NSW Health- Cancer Institute). As the Clinical Lead for the oncology electronic medical record at the Children's Hospital at Westmead he oversaw the implementation of the first fully electronic oncology chemotherapy protocol ordering system in Australia (amongst the very first in the world). He has also chaired the Victorian Paediatric Integrated Cancer Services Steering Committees for the Development of Clinical Pathways for Children and Adolescents with Leukaemia, Solid Tumours and Brain Tumours. In addition, he chaired the Fever Neutropenia Working Group (NSW Kids and Families Clinical Practice Guidelines and was the Study Chairperson of the ANZCHOG Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Study 8 Clinical trial.

Dr Dalla-Pozza joined the Children's Medical Research Institute Board in September 2013 and is currently a member of the Institute’s Intellectual Property Committee.

Luciano Dalla-Pozza

Dr Luciano Dalla-Pozza, MB BS FRACP, Board Member