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Trusts and Foundations

Trusts and Foundations

CMRI is backed by a range of charitable trusts and foundations who understand that our research is a long-term operation that requires passion, commitment, and investment. Without such support, we risk delaying the search for treatments and cures for childhood diseases.

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2023 cover

Our Annual Report celebrates CMRI's 65th anniversary.

Trust and Foundations Cover

Some highlighted projects funded by Trusts and Foundations during 2023.


Here are just a few examples of how trusts and foundations are currently supporting our research programs:

  • The Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF) has funded equipment for three major facilities at CMRI: The ACRF Centre for Kinomics, The ACRF Telomere Analysis Centre, and The ACRF International Centre for the Proteome of Human Cancer
  • Ian Potter Foundation has provided several major equipment grants, including the seed of what was eventually to become the ACRF Centre for Kinomics and then ProCan
  • The R A Gale Foundation is a long-term supporter of CMRI's fundamental research into embryotic birth defects, cancer, neurobiology and gene therapy. ​
  • Ernest & Piroska Major Foundation since 2012 have funded Dr Scott Cohen's research into the structure of telomerase, “an enzyme that has been found to sustain the growth of ~90% of cancers.”
  • Children’s Tumor Foundation to fund Dr Samantha Ginn for a mutation-independent genome editing approach for the treatment of Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1)
  • Mark Hughes Foundation to support Dr Julius Kim’s research into brain cancer in their Cancer Innovation Project Grants.
  • Financial Markets Foundation for Children has supported CMRI Dr Leszek Lisowski and Dr Sam Ginn in multi-year projects using Gene Therapy and Genome Vector technology to find cures for genetic eye and liver disease.
  • The Rebecca L Cooper Medical Research Foundation supported Dr Grant Logan’s “Gene therapy to extinguish inflammation and treat Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)” project, which provided crucial staff resources to complete essential data for further competitive funding and research.
  • By supporting the Cell Biology Unit at CMRI, led by Professor Tracy Bryan, Maddie Riewoldt’s Vision is helping to create an accurate model for telomere-related bone marrow failure syndromes, which will also serve as a platform for future gene therapies.

We welcome enquiries from all trusts and foundations who share our vision of a future without childhood disease.

For more information contact:

Maxine Morrison, Trusts and Foundations Manager
Ph: +61 02 8865 2963 | email: [email protected]