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Dr Connolly is an adult medical oncologist (MbChB FRACP) who specialises in rare cancers including sarcoma. Sarcomas are tumours of soft tissue and bone that often affect children and young adults. Liz joined CMRI in 2021 and is undertaking higher degree research (PhD) conjointly with CMRI and the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse comprehensive cancer centre. Her research is focused on studying the proteomics of human sarcoma tissue to answer questions of clinical importance such as proteomic signatures of relapse and survival in sarcoma.

She is a member of the Young Oncologist Committee of international oncology body ESMO, the European Society of Medical Oncology, in which she represents Australia and sarcoma. She is also involved in committees of the Australia and New Zealand Sarcoma Association (ANZSA) and main international sarcoma research body CTOS, the Connective Tissue Oncology Society.

Liz Connolly

Medical oncologist and PhD student