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Joanna graduated with a Bachelor’s in Biology from the University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński in Warsaw, Poland. For her research into the molecular mechanisms behind detoxification of novel insecticides in S.littoralis within the department of Animal Physiology at Warsaw University she was awarded a Masters. In 2017, she travelled to Australia on a POWER scholarship and joined the Neely laboratory at the Charles Perkins Centre to work with D. melanogaster investigating the neural regulation of metabolism, food intake and sleep. Also, within the University of Sydney she volunteered as a research assistant with the Rendina group assessing the toxicity of Gadolinium complexes in glial cells.

In September 2022, Joanna joined the Stem Cell Medicine Group working under Dr. Anai Gonzalez Cordero as a Research Assistant. She is fascinated by stem cells, and she hopes to learn all the cutting-edge techniques group utilizes. She is involved in in differentiating pluripotent stem cells into retinal organoids.

In her free time Joanna likes to listen to music, play games, read and draw.

Joanna Chibowska

Research Assistant