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05 September, 2019

Earle Page students mark 40 years of run

05 September, 2019

Earle Page students mark 40 years of run


When a small group of university students decided to run more than 200 km to raise money for Children’s Medical Research Institute 40 years ago, they could not have imagined the impact it would make for decades to come.

Last week, the students of Earle Page College at the University of New England held their 40th annual Coast Run from Armidale to Coffs Harbour and raised $10,000. This adds to the hundreds of thousands of dollars that the event has raised for CMRI over the years.

Convener, Katy Arson-Graham, started out as a driver and had so much fun she joined the committee and has been convener for the last three years. She said the impact of the first event, organised by Brent Gregory who is now a lecture at UNE, continues.

“Everyone was really excited, it is always such a great event,’’ Katy said. “It’s so nice to see everyone get together and all get behind the cause.

“It is so important that we continue what the founders started. It’s very cool to have the whole college involved. We all know that genetic research is something that can impact anyone.’’

This year, there were 26 students from the College who ran, as well as another 10 supporters.

There was also a special dinner held in Coffs Harbour at the end of the event to mark the 40th anniversary.
CMRI researcher, Kelsy Prest, said it was an incredible experience to be part of.

“The atmosphere, spirit and energy was so inspiring,’’ Kelsy said. “I cannot get over how well organised it was and to hear it was run by young students blew me away. It was truly spectacular from start to end.

“It’s a truly humbling and incredible feeling to know that there are people out there who believe in you and your research. It inspires and motivates me to put 110% into what I do and truly try to make a difference through my work.’’

> News > Latest News > Earle Page students mark 40 years of run


Earle Page students mark 40 years of run

06/Sep/2019 Share: